When you were born you were delivered out of your mother as an American States National (also known as a non-citizen U.S. National) from the state in which you were born. At the time of your birth you were a free, lawful person. A print of your foot was placed on a certificate of live birth and that certificate was filed away at the facility where your were born. Your parents gave you a name, your given name, with the first letter of each name in capital letters and the rest of the letters in lower case (ie: John Kenneth Doe).
Then when your parents signed your birth certificate the County Registrar registered you as a United States citizen of the United States of America, Inc (District of Columbia). You were assigned a “new” name…in all capital letters (ie: JOHN KENNETH DOE). Anyone or anything in America with its name in all capital letters is legally defined as a commercial entity. All of us with a birth certificate are legally considered commercial entities…a business or a business asset.
Along with a birth certificate the federal government in Washington D.C. created a trust fund for you called a C’estui Que Vie trust and funded the trust with a loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to the tune of $1,000,000 and backed that up with an insurance policy for $2,000,000. Since the day that the federal government created that trust they have used it as an investment instrument and they have “traded” you, or more accurately, your value as a commercial entity on the world market. That trust has increased in value every year since you were born and the beneficiaries of that trust are the federal government. When they need money for some progressive program or some wild-assed aid package they reach into that trust to rob you of your birthright and fund the government.
You are owned through that trust and every bit of effort you use to work is tied to that trust. Those funds being used by the government help them pay off the international debt they have racked up over the last 450 years. Your C’estui Que Vie trust has contributed to paying off the THREE bankruptcies of the United States.
The first bankruptcy was from the the “War of Independence” and was declared in 1791 with the signing of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution for the United States.
The second was from the time of the “Civil War” and was declared in 1861 because the legal duration limit of a bankruptcy in these United States is 70 years. This began a string of opportunistic land deals that allowed northern businessmen to take control of southern farms and plantations. This led to the “War of Northern Aggression” and eventually to the Civil War. The end result was the elimination of southern republic money and the presentation of the US dollar as the only legal tender for repayment of debts. This legal tender was backed by precious metals.
The third bankruptcy was 70 years later on September 10,1931, when the financial burden of the industrial revolution, increased immigration and the banker consortium deliberately crashed the stock market and restructured the US monetary system. Our money was transformed with the creation of the Federal Reserve banking system 1933. That was also when gold and silver were removed from backing the US dollar and the Federal Reserve note was instituted as fiat currency and mere was made legal tender for paying off debts. Shortly after that all privately held gold was confiscated by the federal government. The government needed money and had nowhere to get it…luckily there was a war raging in Europe and everyone knows a war if a fantastic source of wealth and prosperity once you create the businesses to support the war machine. We waited until the last minute to get involved. The incident in Pearl Harbor in 1941 was JUST the catalyst needed.
Now flash forward 70 years to 2001. What happened in the latter part of 2001 that created the backdrop for another financial restructuring. On September 11, 2001 the unthinkable happened on American soil. We were attacked and the financial district in New York, New York was hit by terrorists. since then we’ve had Banks being bailed out from the savings and loan scandals, the subprime mortgage disaster, the wholesale transfer of debt to China and now…
…we are going to change the game by creating and new form of “digital money” to provide more transparency and allow more control over how that money can be used. Each new digital dollar has a unique unalterable digital ID and every time it is used for private, commercial or government purchases it can be tracked from each individual involved. The government can tell how much money you have and where it is and what you do with it. This new money and every transaction is tracked in a distributed ledger that ANYONE can see and no one can alter. Imagine if you want to purchase goods or services and the government doesn’t want you to have those goods and services. The new digital transaction will be rejected at the register. The overall control comes in and here we are again in shackles.
If you want to know more about your freedom check out the following…
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